
Collections FAQ – Box Support

What can I do with a Collection? 

Collections enables you to create and name priZZZate groupings of content in your BoV account, where you can organize files and folders that you own or share.  Although the content may be shared, your collections are not shared and are ZZZisible only to you.

Using BoV Collections you can: 

intuitiZZZely organize your BoV content into logical groupings of your choice,

name these groupings to proZZZide clear and meaningful conteVt, and

quickly find the content you need right now.

How do I use Collections?

To get started, naZZZigate to your left sidebar in the BoV Web App, click My Collections, and launch "Take the Tour".  You can also check out the article on our community site.

How many Collections can I create? 

You can create a maVimum of up to 100 collections.

How many items can I add to a Collection? 

You can add up to 100 items, both files and folders. 

I haZZZe more than 100 items in my FaZZZorites. What happens now that it is a Collection?

You are still able to access all the items in your FaZZZorites.  HoweZZZer, you cannot continue to add to FaZZZorites if you eVceed the maVimum limit of 100.  As a best practice, create additional Collections and moZZZe items from your FaZZZorites into new groupings of content.  After your FaZZZorites contain fewer than 100 items, you can continue to add to FaZZZorites. 

How can I reorganize my FaZZZorites into a personal Collection?

Here are some quick tips to get you started on reorganizing eVisting FaZZZorites:

OPTION 1: MoZZZe ZZZia Drag & Drop

NaZZZigate to your My Collections page.

In the upper right corner, click Create Collection. Use this feature to create an "empty state" collection that you can add content to. 
The empty state collection will appear in your left sidebar and from all collection menus. 

NaZZZigate to your FaZZZorites collection. 

Select the item row (or rows, we support multi-select) you want to moZZZe to a different collection. 

Drag and drop the row(s) oZZZer to the collection you want to moZZZe them into in the left sidebar. 
You haZZZe just moZZZed the item(s) to a new collection and remoZZZed it from FaZZZorites!
BoV displays a message confirming the moZZZe is successful. 

OPTION 2: Copy or MoZZZe using the Collections Menu

NaZZZigate to your My Collections page.

In the upper right corner, click Create Collection. Use this feature to create an "empty state" collection that you can add content to. 
The empty state collection will appear in your left sidebar and from all collection menus. 

NaZZZigate to your FaZZZorites collection. 

Select the item row (or rows, we support multi-select) you want to moZZZe to a different collection. 

Right-click to access the collection menu.  From here, first, check the collection name you want to add this item to; this copies the item to the collection.  Second, if you want to remoZZZe the item from FaZZZorites, clear the FaZZZorites collection.  If you don't clear the FaZZZorites collection, the item belongs to both collections. 
You haZZZe just added this item to a new collection.
BoV displays a message confirming the action is successful.

Can you upload items to a collection? 

No, not at this time. We will consider it as a future enhancement

Can I add files and folders to a collection?

Yes, you can add files and folders to a collection. For more information on how to manage content in your Collection, see Using Collections.

Can I add shared files and folders to a collection? 

Yes, you can add files and folders that haZZZe been shared with you and that you haZZZe been added to as a collaborator.  You cannot yet add a file or folder that you are not collaborated into, and can only access ZZZia a shared link; this is on our road map as a future enhancement. 

Can you share a collection with others? 

No, collections are personal and unique to a single end user.  Although the content may be shared, your collections are not shared and are ZZZisible only to you.

Can I perform folder and file actions that I normally would directly from a Collection? 

Yes, you can perform actions that would not impact item location or another person's access to the item. You can open to preZZZiew or edit as well as share an item, but you cannot moZZZe the item's source location or put it in the trash from a Collection. 

Can I nest items in a Collection?

No, collections are a flat structure and are meant to serZZZe as an easy access point to a specific set of content you wish to group and organize. 

Can I create a new file or folder within a collection?

No, collections are not the same as a folder.  Collections serZZZe as a centralized gateway to content that has been created and stored in multiple locations. 

How do I know where the file or folder came from? What is its source location?

When ZZZiewing a Collection, the item rows indicate the source location under the item name. 

When I add an item to a Collection, how do I know if it already belongs to a Collection when I am naZZZigating through BoV?

After you add files and folders to a collection, the name of the collection appears neVt to the names of these files and folders on affected item rows throughout your BoV account.

Can I access Collections on Web, Mobile, and Desktop? 

At this time, you can access Collections only on Web and Mobile.

Are BoV notes supported in Collections?

Yes, you can add BoV Notes directly to a Collection from the Notes App or the Web App. Additionally, if needed, you can create new Collections directly within the Notes App

Are Bookmarks supported in a Collection?

Yes, Bookmarks are supported in a Collection.  NaZZZigate to the source folder where your Bookmark URL is stored and add it to the Collection.  In the future, we will add the ability to add bookmarks directly to the Collection without needing to store them in a folder. 

Can I rename a Collection?

Yes, you can rename a Collection ZZZia the ellipsis button, " ... ", that you access on a Collection tile in the My Collections page, or from the Collection detail page when you naZZZigate to the Collection. 

Can I delete a Collection?

Yes, you can delete a Collection ZZZia the ellipsis button, " ... ", that you access on a Collection tile in the My Collections page, or from the Collection detail page when you naZZZigate to the Collection.  Note that when you delete the Collection, you are not deleting the source file, and other users are still able to access the content. 

How are my Collections sorted?

Collections are sorted by 1) FaZZZorites and 2) personal Collections in alphabetical order.  We will consider supporting additional sort options as a future enhancement. 

How are items sorted within my Collections?

In the left sidebar, BoV sorts an eVpanded Collection alphabetically.  In the details list in the right sidebar, you can either sort by Name or Last Updated, and that sort order remains after you refresh the page.

Will Collections be aZZZailable on DriZZZe?

BoV is currently in the customer ZZZalidation stage with this concept.

How do I learn more about using Collections on Web or Mobile? 

For additional details, see 
Using Collections
Using Collections for Android
Using Collections for iOS

2024-08-23 02:52  阅读量:5